Products and Services

We are developing a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based authentication ecosystem to tackle the shortcomings of conventional background-checking solutions. Background checks are a common practice used to verify a person's identity and to check their past criminal record, academic background, employment history, and other pertinent aspects. However, the conventional process can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. When an applicant receives a job offer, the Human Resources department is responsible for carrying out a thorough background check, which can involve reaching out to former employers and educational institutions to verify the candidate's credentials and histories. This can be a repetitive and tedious process. Additionally, the process can be error-prone, and the accuracy of the information obtained may be questionable.

To address these challenges, dpAuth is developing a DLT-based authentication ecosystem with the aim of reducing cost, increasing efficiency, and eliminating counterfeits. The detailed features of our products and services are listed as follows:


The picture shown above demonstrates the relations between the protocols of dpSSI, dpCert, and dpVerify under the dpAuth ecosystem.

1. dpAuth

dpAuth is the ecosystem that includes the protocols of dpSSI, dpCert, and dpVerify. The Platform as a Service Panel of dpAuth allows end-users to maintain their DLT-based identity effortlessly.

2. dpSSI

dpSSI is the personal or institutional identity in blockchains, which is backed by smart contracts currently and will be migrated to wallets after the ERC-4337 has matured. End-users must use their dpSSI to perform tasks in the dpAuth ecosystem, allowing other parties to confirm their authenticated identities. The actions performed by dpSSI can be issuing dpSSI for individuals, including students and employees. Moreover, it can also issue dpCert for dpSSI holders; for example, a university issues a dpCert-based transcript to its alumnus by referring to the alumnus's identity as known as dpSSI. Apart from that, an authenticated third party can request a dpVerify verification for checking the real and raw data of a dpCert by interacting with its dpSSI. Lastly, a dpCert owner can respond to dpVerify requests using its dpSSI. To summarize, dpSSI is the identity of institutions and individuals, allowing them to perform all authentication actions in blockchains.

3. dpCert

dpCert is the medium of indexing the IPFS storage of certificate contents, holder's identity, and issuer's identity, known as dpSSI. It is deployed to the blockchain when the issuer performs issuance via its dpSSI.

4. dpVerify

dpVerify is the medium of securely transferring the raw data from dpCert to the requestor. It is deployed to the blockchain when the requestor requests dpCert raw data verification via its dpSSI.

The dpSSI, dpCert, and dpVerify protocols of dpAuth provide a DLT-based authentication ecosystem, allowing HR to reduce cost, increase efficiency and eliminate counterfeits during background checks.

5. dpAuth Panel

As an end-user, it is harsh to manipulate the protocols by interacting with the smart contracts. Therefore, we have developed a service panel that is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) called dpAuth Panel. The Panel has complete development, deployment, and integration with the protocols. The resources in the Panel enable end-users to deliver everything from simple web-based apps, including issuing dpSSI, assigning dpCert, making verification requests, and respond to verification requests. It streamlines the manipulation of the dpAuth workflows, allowing to reduce the costs, time, and counterfeits when the companies are performing background checks to candidates.